In accordance with ESEA Program Assurances, MEVA disseminates ESEA and LEA Report Cards via the school's website. Please find the link below under ESSA/ESSER/LAU (EL)/Resources, named ESSA Dashboard, which will prompt you to select a Maine school district. You will find Maine Virtual Academy on the drop down menu, or use the link,
The ESSA Dashboard indicates that MEVA's strengths are our expanding Teacher Workforce and Instructional Support Staff (Ed Techs). MEVA's attendance, safety, and graduation rates are also noteworthy for our virtual school. As a high-performing public charter school, MEVA is engaged in continuous school improvement, informed by feedback from our stakeholders. We are focusing on strengthening our state assessment outcomes by providing families and students with individual support. We are extremely proud of our 97% participation rate (Spring 2024).